Saturday, October 3, 2009

Gecko, Gecko what the hecko....

Found this little guy hiding under our blow up pool when we moved it, so I hung out with him for a while before going to work.

I really must get back on my motor bike. I am such a chicken... and I might decide to get rid of the bike, but I want it to be for the right reasons. I may as well learn while I have it and not let fear hold me back from something i'm actually capable of!

Work has been so busy. I still have this image of one of the patients running accross the helicopter pad being chased by another nurse while i'm left standing there with a cup of water and the medication wondering what on earth just happened!

Daylight Savings begins tomorrow!!! SO Excited, and as of 330pm tomorrow I also begin my weekend! Good times.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of the gecko Lis! He looks so nice and textured.
